Ra|di|cal: from scratch, complete, thorough

Di|gi|tal: digitization

So|ci|e|ty: being together with other people


We are a radical-digital affine society of individuals, who have already realised a digital transformation for companies and we are also entrepreneurs and decision maker, who are planning a successful transformation and want to get in contact with relevant people of success!


Together, we are a special business ecosystem with a focus on digitization.


We don't do experiments and proof of concept (PoC) - we know what works and what does not!


Our society members do not want to buy technology - we want to create a better future and business outcome.


We meet 2 times per anno in an exclusive atmosphere with a corresponding supporting program and a fun oriented weekend with sports and culture program. The number of participants is limited to 40 people for each event.


Society members will be selected by our 4 ambassadors. Our ambassadors are sovereign entrepreneurs, executives and digital experts.


We are an internationally society of free thinker, maker and builder - our main location is in HAMBURG, Germany

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